Our Services
We provide affordable, dependable, non-medical care to seniors. This program is available weekly and times are flexible. All volunteers are trained and background-checked. We form a personalized plan based on what is needed to stay living at home.
Volunteer Drivers transport and escort participant to medical and non-medical appointments
Volunteers provide relief time, allowing full-time caregivers to attend support groups, run errands, or just time to relax.
Friendly Visit
Volunteers visit participant in their homes to provide socialization and reduce isolation and loneliness.
Chore/ Housekeeping
Volunteers provide assistance in upkeep of the participants homes.
Volunteers will do local errands like picking up prescription or getting groceries for the homebound participant.
Handyman/ Yardwork
Volunteers provide assistance with small home repairs, maintenance, leaf removal, etc.
Resource Referral
Faith in Action can provide resources referral for any number of services that we are not able to provide.
Request Services
Fill out the service request form below for yourself or a loved one, or give us a call at 507-634-3654.

Joy Nelson
I have been a client of Faith in Action for four years. The FIA service I have used most often is transportation. I do love to drive but, I have decided that it is no longer safe for me to do. FIA has made it possible for me to get to my appointments on time and safely. If I was not able to utilize their services, I would need to relocate to a larger city that offered public transportation services and I can't afford to do that.
All the volunteers that have taken me to my appointments have been so very friendly, personable, patient, and loving. They have all been most willing t share their gift of compassion and time. I frequently ask the volunteer what they would be doing if they were not taking me to my appointment and they reply with, "There is nothing I would rather be doing!"

Judy Boyer
"Without the help of Faith in Action, I may not be able to stay in my home as long as I have."
Severe arthritis and going through cancer and hip surgery have limited Judy from things she would like to do daily. She is truly thankful for the help she gets from Faith in Action.